Friday, March 13, 2009

Dispatches from El Salvador: Elections

San Salvador - CB-MLK
Jorge Marin

We arrived at San Salvador on Tuesday. It is a very warm and modern city. We had our training for observers of the electoral process yesterday. I am sorry to say that the possibility of fraud is high. The selling of votes happens, where people turn in their ballots to the buyer, rather than depositing it in the ballot box and then the chain of pre-dispose votes begins. The next voter already goes in to vote with a ballot which he/she uses to vote and their own ballots are turned in to the buyer, and so on. It is up to us to make sure that every voter deposits a ballot in the ballot box.

The two parties, FMLN and ARENA, have been defending and attacking each other on the media. ARENA using the power of the government in their favor to make public some of the campaign donations to Funes (FMLN) from busisness interest. Funes has defended himself well. The polls we were shown, that were concluded on March 10th, shows the FMLN with 8% ahead of ARENA. People are showing their colors without feeling intimidated in the capital.
So far so good...